How do we follow the official state curriculum ?

The school respects the curriculum of the French Ministry of Education, while illuminating it with a Christian perspective of the world.

Pupils can therefore return to a state school at any time. They are prepared to take the state exam at the end of the middle school. For several years now, our students’ pass rate for this exam has often been 100%. This is achieved without any form of elitism.

We welcome students from kindergarten to the final year of high school. (the final year opened in September 2013)

In addition to subjects similar to those taught in public schools, our students benefit from English and German classes starting in 6th grade, extending the introduction given in elementary school, as well as a weekly class of Bible lessons, and a weekly chapel: a time for praise, prayer, sharing, listening to guests and presenting different christian missions.

In high school, the “Christian identity” module helps to strengthen student’s faith and knowledge of the Bible.

We use the Montessori method in kindergarten in particular, but also in 1st and 2nd grade.